Monday, January 22, 2007

Remains to be seen

Well, here it is at last - the birth of The Bone Idol. I have set up this blog in order to provide an outlet for my observations, ideas, preoccupations and possibly the occasional diatribe.`Who cares?' you might say. I suppose that if I have articulated something and it then `exists' out here in cyberspace, it is somehow reified and, therefore, may have the potential to interest others. However, whether anyone actually takes the time to read my ideas or not remains to be seen and this, in a sense, is immaterial anyway. This blog exists primarily so that I can add my voice to all the others that happen to be crying in the wilderness.

Idol (from the Greek eidolon) - An image or representation; a form; a phantom; an apparition.

(Webster's 1913 dictionary)

Bone Idle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a highly riveting site, with some very interesting points of view, well done!